An epic of terror in contemporary cinema

The Northman (2022) and the construction of atmosphere




Epic cinema, Horror, Robert Eggers, Drama


This essay presents a critical reading of the film The Northman (2022) considering the characteristics of its genre (epic) in cinema and ways to redefine its codes, as well as the dialogues established with it. We propose that Robert Eggers' film accomplishes this through the construction of an atmosphere on horror. We also consider the dialogue with the history of drama as a way to contribute to this atmosphere by exploring some characters and characteristic moments of the terrifying pathos in drama (from the classical Greek period to Shakespeare), at the same time that the old archetypes are challenged with new developments of differentiated places of meaning for the characters.


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Author Biography

Luis Guilherme Comar Freza, São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho

Master in Literary Studies from São Paulo State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). Araraquara (SP), Brazil.


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