Ethics Statement

Ethical Statement Rebeca - Brazilian Journal of Cinema and Audiovisual Studies is a periodical affiliated with the Brazilian Society of Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (SOCINE) and a member of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC). The journal aims to promote ethical academic principles to achieve excellence in its publications. We value the ethical conduct of all involved in the publication process, including the Editorial Committee, Editorial Board, organizers of thematic dossiers, external ad hoc reviewers, authors, and co-authors.

Duties of the Editorial Committee and Promotion of Academic Integrity

The Editorial Committee of Rebeca comprises four editors, all Ph.D. holders, committed to ensuring the academic integrity of the journal. This involves the impartial selection of articles based on academic merit, promoting diversity of perspectives, and actively addressing any bias related to gender, race, religion, or institutional affiliation. Editors also commit to maintaining the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts and reviews.

After completing their term on the Editorial Committee, editors must wait at least 6 months before submitting articles to the journal.

Relationship between Editors and Authors

Editors of Rebeca pledge to treat all authors with respect and equity. Editorial decisions must be based solely on the academic quality of manuscripts, without considering institutional affiliation, author status, or any other factor unrelated to research.

When necessary, editors may request additional information from authors about the registration of their studies with government agencies promoting scientific ethics in research involving human subjects, as is the case with the Plataforma Brasil.

Author Responsibilities

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts are original, free from plagiarism, have not been previously published in another academic journal, and are not under review by other journals. They must provide complete data, cite sources appropriately, and adhere to the editorial guidelines of Rebeca. The journal utilizes the Similarity Check system to detect content similarities.

Authors should also inform the editors about the publication of the initial versions of their articles in conference proceedings. Unpublished articles submitted to the journal must present a minimum of 30% changes compared to the versions available in the conference proceedings. If a preliminary version of the article has been published in conference proceedings, this information should be included in the electronic submission form as an 'editorial note.' If approved, this note should be included in the final text. Additionally, the title of the text published in the proceedings should be modified in its version submitted to Rebeca.

Authors and co-authors of articles accepted or published by Rebeca must wait for a one-year interval before submitting a new manuscript to the journal.

Duties of Dossier Organizers

The Rebeca publishes two special issues per year, whose themes are proposed by external organizers and, after evaluation by the Editorial Committee, may be implemented. Each special issue must have at least three organizers with Ph.D. credentials, coming from different institutions, and preferably from different regions in Brazil or other countries. It is the responsibility of the special issue organizers to conduct a preliminary assessment of the articles, aiming to assign at least two reviewers for each submission. Based on the reviews, they will decide on the publication or rejection of the article or request the author for final evaluation and potential inclusion in the special issue. The development of the special issue is overseen by a member of the Rebeca Editorial Committee to ensure the smooth progress of activities and compliance with the journal's standards. Special issue organizers are subject to the same ethical duties as the journal's editors.

Duties of the Editorial Board and Other Ad Hoc Reviewers

Rebeca has a permanent Editorial Board, activated by the Editorial Committee up to three times a year, to provide expert opinions in their areas of knowledge. In addition, external ad hoc reviewers are invited to evaluate articles to complement the areas of interest of the Editorial Board. Both members of the Editorial Board and external ad hoc reviewers hold a Ph.D.

The Editorial Committee of Rebeca selects ad hoc reviewers based on their academic expertise and impartiality. Editors responsible for the journal must maintain the confidentiality of reviews, ensuring that reviewers provide constructive and fair assessments of submitted manuscripts.

Members of the Editorial Board and external ad hoc reviewers must analyze manuscripts impartially, based on academic criteria, and provide constructive evaluations to assist authors in improving their work. They should report any conflicts of interest or potential biases that may affect their assessments.

Duties of the Scientific Council

The Scientific Council of Rebeca is composed of former editors of the journal with the role of collaborating in the review and development of editorial practices, ensuring their compliance with ethical standards recognized by the academic community. When called upon by the Editorial Committee, it is the responsibility of the Scientific Council to provide advice on cases involving ethical issues related to publication practices, plagiarism, scientific misconduct, among others.

Conflict of Interest Management

Policy Rebeca adopts a conflict of interest management policy, requiring editors, dossier organizers, authors, and reviewers to declare any relevant conflicts of interest. If any conflict is identified, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure the integrity of the editorial process.