The colors in the film In the heart of the sea’s cinematography

A photographic watercolor




Cinematography, Cinematographer, Colors, Watercolor


The work presents an analytical exercise on colors in the cinematography of the film In the Heart of the Sea (Ron Howard, 2015, USA). We discuss the presence of layers of color in the work's images, understanding this plastic element, applied by the photography direction, as a dramatic resource of utmost relevance to the narrative, which we call photographic watercolor. In the film, the colors exert a gradual movement of tones and hues as the plot develops, just like watercolor paint on a canvas. We used a flexible and multidisciplinary analysis methodology to point out how the reference method used by the film's photography director intertwined the images in their variety dimensions and the meanings of colors. Our study thus demonstrates characteristics of the cinematography of Anthony Dod Mantle, through the dexterity with which he handles colors in the cinema.


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Author Biographies

Matheus Andrade, Federal University of Paraíba

Doctor of Information Science from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). Professor in the Department of Communication at UFPB. João Pessoa (PB). Brazil.

Aline de Caldas Costa dos Santos, State University of Southwest Bahia

Doctor of Memory and Language from the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB). Professor at the Santa Maria da Vitória Multidisciplinary Center (UESB). Santa Maria da Vitória (BA). Brazil.


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