The fractal dimension of theater in contemporary Argentine cinema: Forms that resemble in different scales


  • Carolina Soria



Cine y Teatro, Productividad, Personajes, Narración


The aim of this article is to analyze the dramatic text Fractal. Una especulación científica (2000) —a collective creative work carried out under the direction of Rafael Spregelburd— in the context of the productiveness of the Argentine theater of the nineties in contemporary cinema, considering the work as hinge between the two art forms. On the one hand, because it condenses many of the procedures used in the so-called theater of disintegration (PELLETTIERI, 2000; RODRÍGUEZ, 2000) which involves a certain conception of the practice stage, the construction process and the link between theater and reality. Such procedures are alienation and concern for the language, the disintegration of the traditional conception of the character, iteration, not defend a realistic thesis and the use of absurdist elements. On the other hand, because we believe it is a key precedent of what we decide to call postdramatic or situational cinema, by the repetition, on another scale, of narrative and structural operations, the status of the characters and the iterative construction or butterfly effect of the scenes, focusing on the film Viola (2012, Matías Piñeiro).


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Author Biography

Carolina Soria

Doctora en Historia y Teoría de las Artes (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y profesora en la Cátedra de Historia del Cine Universal en la misma institución. Ha publicado artículos sobre cine, teatro y televisión en revistas nacionales e internacionales y participado en numerosos congresos. Actualmente está realizando sus estudios posdoctorales (CONICET) sobre las nuevas narrativas seriadas emitidas por la Televisión Pública argentina.





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